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Santa Monica Haskell Users Group

Welcome to the Santa Monica Haskell Users Group

The Santa Monica Haskell Users Group is for all programmers either interested in or experienced with the Haskell programming language. We get together for talks, book reviews, and general discussion.

Presentations / Slides

Interested in slides from an excellent presentation you saw at a SMHUG meetup? Look no further!

Member Presentations

  1. Ben Deane - Parametric Polymorphism
  2. Brian Russell - Type Classes (code samples: Haskell | Scala | Swift)
  3. Phil Freeman - Purescript
  4. Phil Freeman - Monoids and IO
  5. Henri Shahrouz - Functors and Applicatives
  6. Erin Swenson-Healey - Lazy Evaluation
  7. Ben Deane - Diagrams
  8. Phil Freeman - Monads